• Please check products, goods when received.
  • Return and refund policy depends on each products. Please ask or check before purchase.
  • A customer must make a request for return, change or refund with in 7 days after receiving goods. The situation must follow these conditions
    • Delivery wrong models, color, size to a customer, or goods were damaged. A customer must keep the packaging in the original condition. If not, we reserve the right not to refund or return.
  • If a customer return goods, the goods must be in original condition and not used.
  • Tanabutr reserved the right to examine the case before return, change or refund.
  • The request for return, change, refund must be made by a letter.

A customer can not change, cancel order in these cases:

  • Order wrong model, color by a customer.
  • A customer changes his/her mind after payment or shipping.

Tanabutr can not change goods in these cases:

  • The products are out of stock.
  • Unexpected conditions.

Tanabutr reserves right to change any conditions without notice.