Tanabutr provides coupons / tickets / vouchers and gift coupon printing services.
Event tickets
Event tickets come with optional perforations and sequential numbering, printed on our horizontal ticket standard size 145x50mm.
Please let us know quantity, we quote for you.
One side color tickets with one perforation and serial number:
100pcs : 810Baht
500pcs: 2100Baht
All prices in THB are subject to VAT (7%)
How to prepare the correct artwork
Here are some important things you should (must) do when creating artwork for printing event tickets.
- Provide the bleed area in your artwork each side (top-bottom-left-right) at least 3mm.
For example, if the desired ticket size is 145x50mm, in Illustrator, you must set bleed 3mm in "Document setup..". Create your artwork to have bleed area. When save a PDF copy, PDF must include bleed. If you use Photoshop, the image size must be 151x56mm at resolution 300 ppi (pixel per inch). - Logo, texts, or important parts must be inside safe zone.
Safe zone is the area inside margin which is apart from each card's side 3mm. - Do not draw border as a guide of business card's size.
For Illustrator, if you set document's bleed, and save a PDF copy as PDF/X, necessary information is already inside the file. For Photoshop, there is no such concept, you should inform us if your artwork includes bleed or not. - Crop mark in the artwork is optional.
Example Final size : 145x50mm
Prepared artwork size : Final size + 3 mm bleed on all edges : 151x56mm
Vouchers / Coupons
Vouchers and coupons come with optional perforations, printed on our standard size 80x111mm.
Please let us know quantity, we quote for you.